5 Reasons To Buy Handmade & Become a Hero

It only takes a few steps into one of our markets to witness how ARTE is a testament to the UAE’s magical diversity. Each one of our artisans narrates the city’s story through their crafts and skills that have long been forgotten in other parts of the globe, creating unique pieces to take home.

You see, for ARTE, ‘handmade’ isn’t just a fad or a marketing ploy slapped onto the side of a box. What ‘handmade’ really translates to, is years of passion and dedication. This is why we exist; this is why you must invest in ‘handmade’

1. It’s a Bargain
reasons to buy handmade

Unlike the assembly line of your high street products, an ARTE crafter’s knowledge encompasses more than one sole function in the construction of the product they’re selling. Before weaving/painting/carving and creating their pieces, an artisan must learn how to construct it in its entirety and how each portion complements the other. So the next time you ask “how much?” remember that the answer isn’t just for the product itself, but for the years of knowledge and care that comes with it.

2. One-of-a-Kind

buy handmade unique original painting

As the products found at ARTE aren’t mass-produced, there won’t be thousands like it. It will have been made with a certain level and attention to detail that can’t be replicated. Often, the quality of materials in the mass production of today overlooks the pride of the designer which is inadvertently reflected in its overall quality. Even the ‘mistakes’ become winning characteristics in the design of each piece making it totally unique.

3. Saving the World…

Handmade bags unique

…one candle, rug, greeting card, piece of jewellery at a time.

When things are produced in bulk, their prices are lowered, which has a knock-on effect through the line. Costs are shifted from the production of the raw materials and/or the workforce that are ‘paid’ to be a part of that production line. That’s why a lot of your price tags on store-bought items will have the names of developing countries on them as it means cheaper labour. This ultimately hinders those countries from being able to develop or sustain their own environments. Handmade pieces really have become the unsung sustainability heroes of the world!

4. Re-Writing History

handmade kids doing crafts
When purchasing an ARTE-made handmade piece, you’re investing in something that is possibly in danger of becoming extinct. The economy is fragile and we’re now playing catch-up because of the loss of skilled industries. By buying handmade, you’re buying time for that craft to live on so that your children and children’s children get to enjoy it too. Remember that every product has a story behind it and each maker will be pleased to tell that story, giving the product more meaning.

5. Celebrating Culture Supporting Each Other
handmade celebration of culture

Something handmade is a celebration of our culture, not an imposed one-size-fits-all consumerist culture. Each item tells a story of the person that made it, not the machine. And now that you have bought it, you’ve become a part of that story; you’ve supported that person, their family and their legacy.

If that doesn’t compel you to come to ARTE then think about it this way; ARTE handmade makes are so priceless that whatever you do buy, only you in the whole wide world will own one – We’re not talking one in a million, we’re talking a one in 7 billion piece to keep or gift and treasure!

Here’s where you can purchase your very own unique ARTE Market piece that creates a hero out of you and puts the pen of history in your hands, to make the world a better place and celebrate that fact whilst doing so:

WHEN: Friday 28th February (10 am – 6 pm)
WHERE: Times Square Center

WHEN: Saturday 29th February (9 am – 8 pm)
WHERE: City Centre Me’aisem

WHEN: Thursday 5th to Saturday 7th March (10am – Midnight)
WHERE: Jumeirah Beach Canteen

WHEN: Friday 6th March (10 am – 10 pm)
WHERE: The Makers Market Pop Up at Mercato

WHEN: Thursday 19th March (10 am – 6 pm)
WHERE: Dubai Design District

Or see all upcoming markets here.

Stay connected for behind the scenes footage, info on workshops and upcoming events via our Facebook account here and our Instagram here

See you soon!