How to book a place at ARTE, The Makers’ Market

Before applying to join ARTE, The Makers’ Market, please read our guidelines. (Download ARTE guidelines), and consider if you meet these tag lines, because at ARTE all items for sale are made by the Makers, Designers and Artists:
- I Make What I Sell.
- Handmade in the UAE.
For first time vendors, in order to get approval to participate, please email us on and let us know who you are, and what you would like to sell. Please provide us with your social media details, pictures of your work, and your workroom, as proof that you make your own product.
If you plan to sell food then please read our guidelines for selling food. Food sellers must be licensed and have the FoodWatch permit. (Download selling guidelines).
- Then, ONCE WE CONFIRM THROUGH EMAIL THAT YOU HAVE BEEN ACCEPTED, you will need to complete an application form for your selected market and make an advance payment in order to secure your place at the ARTE event. You can do this in two ways:
- You can drop off your payment into the Dropbox of the Craftland store which is located on the first floor of the Town Centre Mall in Jumeirah Beach Road, Jumeirah 1.
- You can also make an advance payment at any of the ARTE markets – see the calendar for list of locations.
- For the cash payments please print and fill in the relevant booking form and take this form with you, with the the cash, to Craftland (click here for location).
VENDOR’s Note – Mercato Mall Participation
The Mercato Mall bookings are not automatic and you need to earn your place, subject to availability of space.
– Please apply by sending an email to
– Or accept our invitation
– You need to earn your place
– Have a strong, gorgeous. unique, one of a kind product
– A fabulous and eye-catching display
– You must be a strong networker and be powerful in your social media.
– You need to be committed to the ARTE events and we need to see you regularly as a vendor.
– We reserve the right to select vendors based on the Mall’s expectation of ARTE providing an interesting variety of products at the market.
– If you have a place at Mercato, you are also expected to continue with TSC in that same month.
– Please ensure that you have visited the Mercato market and understand how it works.
– Please apply by sending an email to
– Or accept our invitation
– You need to earn your place
– Have a strong, gorgeous. unique, one of a kind product
– A fabulous and eye-catching display
– You must be a strong networker and be powerful in your social media.
– You need to be committed to the ARTE events and we need to see you regularly as a vendor.
– We reserve the right to select vendors based on the Mall’s expectation of ARTE providing an interesting variety of products at the market.
– If you have a place at Mercato, you are also expected to continue with TSC in that same month.
– Please ensure that you have visited the Mercato market and understand how it works.
Booking Forms
- This application process may take a few days because of the volume of requests that we receive. However, all those who email us, will receive a personal reply.
We are continuing to trial an online booking form which you can find here. You can use this for any location.
Good luck!
We are excited to meet with you at ARTE, The Makers’ Market.