Add a Little Sparkle to Your Life

Meet Laila Lambert, who brought to life her passion for crystals in 2006 when she founded Sparklefairy – the UAE’s first New Age online boutique, all things fairy, angel, handmade & crystals.

Illustration of Sparklefairy made by the fabulous Pink Poodle

Her collection comprises of beautiful handmade angel & fairy jewellery for every occasion including angel callers, wish pendants, exclusive scared geometry jewellery as well as supplying a full range of crystals from giant geodes (up to 1 metre high) tumblestones, raw, clusters, wands, pendulums, very rare crystals, fossils MOLDAVITE & ORGONE. Angel/Oracle cards, unique natural incense (no synthetics) and so much more, she also does lovely ideas for wedding favours.

We especially love her Fertility Bracelet made from crystals have an innate energy to prepare the body for conception.

We asked: What crystals are in the Fertility Bracelet and why?

Laila said: I personally use Moonstone and Rose quartz. Many crystals can assist but from research these 2 crystals are most effective in my opinion. Moonstone is said to help aid in nurturing receptivity and balances emotions, moonstone also said to help welcome new life into the body. Moonstone is often called the Stone of the Goddess and symbolises acceptance and new beginnings. Moonstone may help with childbirth, conception and breast feeding. Rose quartz helps stabilize the energy inside the body. Provides one with love and self love. Rose quartz provides us with harmony and trust. The powerful combination of the rose quartz and moonstone is known to boost the woman’s fertility status. The energy from the Fertility bracelet works by balancing the energy in the body. It is calming, rids negative energy and reduces fears, also known to regulates menstrual cycle, improve blood circulation. As above.

We asked: How effective is it?

Laila said: We never say the fertility bracelet gets you pregnant, but it aids and working with energy is a lovely thing. Fertility Bracelets come from ancient traditions and still continue to be in use today, These days, a lot of women wear these types of bracelets for the very same reason that they were worn decades ago. Women will wear these gemstones because of tradition, out of belief or suggestion from family and friends, in order to improve their chances of getting pregnant.

For more info visit her facebook page or her website here:

Move Over Fulla!

Sarah’s Simply Sunnah produces unique Islamic rag dolls which are lovingly handcrafted. Made with carefully handpicked quality materials, these beautiful soft huggable dolls are put together by a group of experienced craftsmen from UAE.

These rag dolls are regulars at ARTE and are priced at AED 100 (an absolute steal, in our opinion). They are safe for children, loved by all age groups and make adorable gifts for every special occasion.

Join their Facebook Page for regular updates.

Enjoy sweets the Brigadeiro way

The original Brigadeiro from Brazil. Photos supplied by Simone Amaro.

The original Brigadeiro from Brazil. Photos supplied by Simone Amaro.

‘Brigadeiro’ is Portuguese for Brigadier. Brigadeiros are actually chocolate sweets (or candy whichever way you look at it) highly popular in Brazil.

For those who love a bit of history, it was Eduardo Gomes, a Brazilian Air Force brigadier, who first created the concept of a plain chocolate bonbon whose main ingredient is sweet condensed milk. Now, nearly 60 years later, thanks to Simone Amaro, Founder and maker of Brigadelly sweets in Dubai, vendors and customers alike can partake of this unique sweet at ARTE Time Square Centre.

Simone Amaro, Founder of Brigadelly - seen at ARTE TSC event

Simone Amaro, Founder of Brigadelly - seen at ARTE TSC event

Simone shares, “Every Birthday party must have Brigadeiros. It’s something that we have eaten ever since we were children.” According to Simone, Brigadeiros have more than thirty flavours, and she makes twenty flavours, all of which you can see below (the Portuguese version is also added).

Image 20 flavours derived from the original Brigadeiro concept! Photo supplied by Simone Amaro

Image 20 flavours derived from the original Brigadeiro concept! Photo supplied by Simone Amaro

Traditional (Chocolate) – Tradicional (Chocolate)
White Brigadeiro – Brigadeiro Branco
Mixed (White and Traditional together) – Casadinho
Dark Chocolate (Bittersweet Chocolate) – Chocolate meio-amargo
Pistachio – Pistache
Peanut Butter – Manteiga de Amendoim (coberto com paçoca)
Lemon – Limão
Almond – Amêndoa
Strawberry – Morango
Sesame – Gergelim
Coconut – Côco
Chocolate with Coconut – Chocolate com Côco
Hazelnut – Avelã
Nutella – Nutella
Corn – Milho
Chilli – Pimenta
NIDO – Ninho
Cashew – Castanha
Biscuit – Biscoito (estilo Palha Italiana)
Apricot (dried fruit around a Brigadeiro) – Damasco (fruta seca em volta do Brigadeiro)
Dates (dried fruit around a Brigadeiro) – Tâmara (fruta seca em volta do Brigadeiro)
Grape (whole fruit, seedless, inside a Brigadeiro) – Uva (inteira, sem semente, dentro do Brigadeiro)

We (ie. Jan) have tasted the plain original brigadeiro as well as the grape filled one which almost feels like a surprise when your teeth squish into the seedless grape. As Simone says, “That’s why it’s called ‘little surprise’ in Portuguese.”

Not to forget the pretty packaging. Photo by Simone Amaro

You can follow  Brigadelly – The Brigadeiro Company on facebook for sweet, Brazilian updates.

We’re so Sweet for this Jewellery

Meet Sophia Mattia of Funkme Designs, who recently joined the ARTE fold with an amazing collection of quirky, fun, vibrant pieces of individually handmade jewellery.
Sophia began making jewellery in 2008 with her very first necklace made was a liquorice allsorts. What began then as a dabble into jewellery making has now developed a range of sweetie jewellery made from polymer. Each piece is individually handmade by herself. She also produces “one off” necklaces, bracelets and earrings that are different from the sweetie range using the Millefiori technique. These are pieces that cannot be produced again to an identical copy and so are completely unique.
Sophia will be returning to ARTE in May with a new look to her stand and a whole new range of products.



Jazz & Craft: A Perfect Combo!

ARTE has gone mobile. Now you can find us at the Dubai International Jazz Festival until 24th February; represented by 3 amazing artisans Sue Tyson with her Jewellery, Gorgeoustuff by Linzi Kan with her flag cushions & comic art and Ragmatazz with their patchwork and embroidery bags.

While stirring up tons of curiosity about our monthly markets; we’re really having a grand time enjoying some great music and chilling out with some of the most interesting music-lovers in Dubai. A must visit event for all culture-vores.

Sue Tyson Design

Sue Tyson Design

Gorgeoustuff by Linzi Kan

1950s Circle Skirts by Gorgeoustuff




Last week’s ARTE Market smelled delightfully fresh with two talented soap & beauty products vendors joining the fold.

Completely natural, organic, handcrafted, rustic soaps and other body loving products with plenty of options for vegans too.

To top it off – they’re all handmade here in the UAE by locally based Artisans!

Handmade Love at ARTE

When it comes to Valentine’s Day (or any day for that matter!) there’s nothing better than a handmade gift from the heart. Here’s selection of a few  tokens of love handcrafted by ARTE Artisans.