Terrifyingly Cute Monsters

Irene Sutton’s Mystery Monsters have become all the rage at the ARTE Markets. The creative genius behind the unique pottery brand Irene’s Pots, Irene has been teaching pottery in Dubai since 2009 and is a regular at the ARTE markets.

We were especially fascinated with Irene’s imaginative miniature sculptures series called Mystery Monsters.

It was during a Summer Camp when she was wracking her brains as to what her class could do that was interesting and taught the kids about pinch pots, that Mystery Monsters were born.

Each Mystery Monster is completely unique and almost ‘unrepeatable’ since they are born of Irene’s mood and motivation at the time.

Each piece is handmade with stoneware and handpainted (sometimes badly) with underglaze before a final dip in transparent to give them a shine. The mystery is why do they like to eat socks and just which one will you want to take home!

All of the Monsters have their own stories and anyone lucky enough to own one has not only a unique and personal monster for themselves but a one-off short tale of mis-adventure about the life of their monster.

Upon purchase of one of Irene’s Mystery Monsters, owners can click here to register their monster and receive the monster’s unique mystery tale.

To learn more about Irene’s Pots, join her on facebook for visit her website: http://www.irenespots.com